Sunday, August 15, 2010

Full Bloom

Full Bloom   6 x 6
These two paintings are the first ones painted completely opaque. I began from photographs I took a few weeks ago at Mayfield Park. The first layer was sketched out with a large flat brush in cadmium red. Then successive layers of dark greens and blues until the final lighter colors of thalo yellow green, cerulean blue, and titanium white. The shadows on the pedals are a thin glaze of a dioxazine purple. These are the first ones to work entirely dark to light and it really was great to see them come together. I actually had them side by side to allow the acrylic to dry on one and work on the other. I had thought that the arcylic layers would be the under painting for adding the oils, but just kept going instead. Hey, this could become a habit if I don't mess it up !

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